how to register a .btc name with an emoji

How to register a .BTC name with emojis

The current version of BNS does not support unicode characters, which includes emojis.

So, if you want to register a .btc name with an emoji or other unicode character, you have to convert it to punycode.

emojis converted to punycode

Note: If a future version of BNS supports unicode, the punycode names may become less valuable or may not be recognized by applications.

Step 1: Convert desired name to punycode

To do this, enter your .btc name into the tool on punycoder then click “Convert to Punycode.”

Note: Do not include the .btc when you convert. So if you want to register 👑.btc, just enter 👑 and click convert. converting crown emoji to punycode version

Step 2: Register name using

Copy your punycode name and paste it into

If it’s available, register it just as you normally would (guide here).

That’s really all you need to do!

Step 3: Check your name on

Although BNS does not fully support emojis yet, some applications in the Stacks ecosystem will render punycode characters.

So if you go to and search your newly-registered name, you should see something like this:

If you converted your name correctly, you’ll notice that the emoji (or other unicode character) is rendered in the name’s card on Gamma.

What if BNS supports unicode in the future?

It is possible that a new version of the Bitcoin Name System (BNS) will support unicode characters just as the Ethereum Name System (ENS) does.

If that happens, the value of punycode .btc names could drop substantially as people compete for the “genuine” unicode emojis.

It’s also possible that a new version of BNS could transfer ownership of the unicode emojis to the current punycode holders.

But for now, punycode .btc names are supported by a few applications in the Stacks ecosystem and sometimes they sell for quite a bit!

In this case, as always, DYOR.

What is punycode?

Punycode is a way of encoding unicode characters within the limitations of ASCII.

What are the limitations of ASCII?

While unicode supports about 1.2m characters in total, ASCII only supports 128!

ascii vs unicode

So, in order to have domain names with the full range of international characters and emojis represented by ASCII, punycode was created.

You can read more here if you’re interested in the details and history.

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